The Angiogenesis Foundation in Fitness Magazine on Cancer Prevention

Contributor: Eat to Beat Cancer
Fitness Magazine, a monthly publication circulated to approximately 1.5 million people, has interviewed President and Medical Director of The Angiogenesis Foundation Doctor William Li for an article in its February issue, “Cancer Proof Your Life.”
Dr. Li shares a breakthrough approach to fighting cancer: eating foods with properties that cut off cancer’s lifeline—blood vessels. This approach is based on antiangiogenesis, preventing the growth of blood vessels that nourish a tumor.
Antiangiogenesis is the basis for the Foundation’s global campaign, Eat to Beat Cancer (ETB), which strives to help people incorporate antiangiogenic (cancer-beating) foods and cooking processes into each meal. The cancer-starving activity of foods depends on multiple factors, including the specific cultivated variety, the processing and cooking of the food, and even the combination of foods eaten together.
“Cancer Proof Your Life” will reveal some of the latest cancer-beating tips from Dr. Li, such as which foods have more cancer-beating activity—Granny Smith apples or Red Delicious?— and which ingredient releases up to 150% more lycopene, the cancer-beating antioxidant, when cooked in tomato sauce.
Want to know more? You can start eating to starve cancer by joining the ETB campaign here. Stay updated on cancer-beating evidence, tips, and recipes by connecting with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.